Alcoholics Anonymous District 23 Committee Guidelines

District 23, as part of the Northern Illinois Area 20, is a service body for Alcoholics Anonymous. The District shall relate its service voice and activities to the Northern Illinois Area 20 Assembly by means of its District Committee Member (DCM), General Service Representatives (GSRs), Committee Chairpersons, and other duly elected or appointed representatives. The District shall always exercise its own guided conscience voice in relation to other service entities, based on the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Alcoholics Anonymous. It shall always carefully consider the intent and spirit of these principles when defining its place and actions within the service structure of the Fellowship of A.A. and will strive to be the conscience and voice of the District’s groups. Introduction It is the intent of these guidelines to serve as a reference and framework of action for the trusted servants of District 23. It should be stressed that this information is meant to supplement, not replace, the A.A. Service Manual. The primary purpose of the District 23 service guidelines is to complement the A.A. Service Manual in items that are particular to our District’s service structure. The guidelines which follow are neither rules nor laws; they are suggestions to aid the District in the conduct of its business. Additionally, these guidelines should be periodically reviewed and revised as needed to best meet the needs of District 23. The guidelines outline committee member’s responsibilities, for each to carry out their service duties. The complete descriptions are not included in this guideline but can be requested from the current member serving in these positions and or obtained from the Northern Illinois Area 20 Service Manual. While every effort was made to be as accurate as possible, it should be understood that changes and flexibility in the carrying out of any service job should always be a consideration and the guidelines should not restrict anyone from carrying out their respective service functions within the framework provided. The statement of procedure is to provide consistency in the manner in which District 23 conducts its meetings, allowing business to be conducted as informally as possible consistent with the rights of all participants. Important decisions of the District should be reached by discussion, vote, and whenever possible, by substantial unanimity, realizing that such decisions allow the District’s groups to speak with an authority and confidence that a simple majority might never provide. In conducting its business, the District should be ever mindful that for its purpose there is but one ultimate authority — a loving God as He may express Himself through the group conscience.

Meeting Protocol, Meeting Location and Time:

The District meeting is held the Second Monday of each month at 7:30 pm, at the EDI club 18 West Streamwood Blvd Streamwood Illinois 60107. Any regularly scheduled District meeting that falls on a holiday will be addressed and rescheduled at that time. The Secretary will have a sign in sheet for each meeting and will be responsible for notifying the webmaster of any changes in meeting dates and times.

Meeting Agenda:

The agenda for District meetings will be prepared by the DCM with assistance from Alternate DCM and the District Secretary, as needed. It is suggested that agenda items be turned in to the DCM prior to the next District meeting to be placed on the agenda. Business coming up for discussion from the floor at any District meeting which requires a District vote should be placed on the agenda for the following District meeting, providing such placement is approved by a majority of the voting members that are present. Immediate or emergency action may be taken with the approval of two-thirds of the voting members. The agenda will consist of, as a minimum, approval of the previous meeting’s minutes, review and approval of current monthly Treasurer’s report, DCM, Group/GSR and Standing Committee reports. Additional items may include Standing Committee presentations, unfinished old business/new business, and/or GSR sharing as time permits.

Meeting Format:

The meeting gives the DCM an opportunity to report to the GSRs on whatever subjects and activities are pertinent. It gives the GSRs an opportunity to communicate with the DCM and express the group’s conscience. Communication is a two-way street with information flowing in both directions between the GSRs and the DCM. These meeting are rather informal and any situations concerning the group, District, Area, or A.A. should be discussed freely. In the absence of the DCM and ADCM, the voting members present may choose a Chairperson for the meeting. Ultimately the District meeting is guided by the A.A. Service Manual and the Twelve Concepts for World Service. Participation All District officers, GSRs, Standing Committee Chairpersons and Special Assignment Coordinators should make every effort to be at all meetings. All interested members of A.A. are encouraged to attend District meetings and to participate as non-voting members. All groups are encouraged to send a GSR and have an Alternate GSR.

Quorum A quorum for District business will be those members present. A majority vote will be sufficient for usual District business. A 2/3 majority will be necessary for the election or removal of District officers.

Voting Procedure:

DCM or Secretary will announce that only voting members of the District may vote and shall explain “voting members”. All District officers and GSRs have full voting privileges at monthly District meetings and the District elections. No person shall have more than one vote per motion regardless of the number of qualifying District service positions the person holds. Therefore, it is recommended that no one person hold more than one voting position at the District level. District members must be present at a meeting to vote and all GSRs must vote in that capacity, striving to carry the voice of their home group. Voting Members Include: Alcoholics Anonymous District 23 Committee Guidelines

• Current District 23 Officers • Standing Committee Chairpersons • GSRs Alternates may only vote if the primary committee member is not present.

District business requiring committee approval will be passed or failed by simple majority, i.e. at least 51% of the voting members present (except where otherwise stated). However, the opportunity should always be available for the minority opinion to be heard. The DCM shall take a count of eligible voters at each District business meeting and follow the protocol used by the General Service Conference for conducting business.

Election Procedure:

District 23 will hold elections by Third Legacy Procedure for district officers at the November District meeting each odd year. Election of all officers shall be by written ballot or by the show of hands whichever the district body chooses to utilize with a simple majority except of the DCM which shall require a 2/3 majority vote. The terms of the officers shall be for two years beginning January 1st of the next even year. No absentee nominations will be accepted for electing officers All members of the district shall be eligible of candidacy for election of officers. Nominations shall be made from the floor. The district shall conduct an election for the uncompleted term of any office vacated. If the vacancy occurs within the last four months of the term the District may choose to wait until the next regular election. Removal Procedure The district may remove any officer or committee chairperson from office. Removal shall be by two-thirds majority of voting members is required. In the event the DCM or any officer should be absent from two consecutive District meetings, without adequate cause for such absence, they may be asked to resign. A loss or break in sobriety shall automatically terminate officer membership/eligibility to vote. Amendment Procedure Proposed amendments to this document shall be submitted in writing to the DCM, with a copy to the Secretary, at least one week prior to the next Committee meeting. The DCM shall include the proposed amendment on the agenda of the next following District meeting. A copy of the proposed amendment will be provided to all GSRs in attendance. An explanation of the proposed change, sufficient to create an informed conscience, will be given and a vote taken. A two-thirds majority of those voting shall constitute the adoption of the amendment. (if 2/3 majority vote was used to approved guidelines initially)


District Committee Member (DCM) Description:

DCM is an essential link between the group GSR and the area delegate to the General Service Conference (GSC). As leader of the District committee the DCM is exposed to the group conscience of that District. As a member of the area committee, he or she is able to pass on the District’s thinking to the delegate. The DCM’s role as chair is to keep the meeting on track to accomplish the agenda items. It is the DCM’s responsibility to ensure that an informed committee is achieved. Qualifications • Has usually served as a GSR. • Usually a minimum of four years or more, sound, continuous sobriety to be eligible. • The time and energy to serve the District well. • The willingness and ability to serve a two-year term. • Holds no other District Committee service position. Duties and Responsibilities It is recommended that the DCM read and be familiar with the A.A. Service Manual, specifically the section on The District and the DCM, as well as the information listed in the pamphlet “Your DCM” and other items included in the DCM Kit. It is recommended that the DCM: • Attend all District meetings and Area Committee meetings. • Has frequent contact and open communication with District officers, committee chairs, and GSRs. • Frequently visits groups, especially those who are not active in service, or who are struggling. • Promotes unity among groups. • Communicate with the area delegate and alternate delegate. • Be familiar with A.A. literature, Twelve Steps, Traditions and Concepts. • Introduce A.A. literature and service pieces to GSRs. • Help new GSRs, keeping them informed and directing them to a GSR orientation. • Encourage and/or assign GSRs to a District Standing Committee. • Organizes District activities. • Prepares an agenda for each district meeting.

Alternate DCM Description:

“The alternate is backup for the DCM if the DCM resigns or is unable to serve for any reason, the alt. steps in, Usually, the alt. is elected at the same time as the DCM, by the same procedure. Alternate committee members should be encouraged to assist, participate and share in the paws responsibilities at district and area meetings, – A.A. Service Manual Qualifications • Has usually served as a GSR. • Usually a minimum of four years or more, sound, continuous sobriety. • The time and energy to serve the District well. • The willingness and ability to serve a two-year term. • Holds no other District Committee service position. Duties and Responsibilities It is recommended that the Alternate DCM read and be familiar with the A.A. Service Manual, specifically the section on The District and the DCM, as well as the information listed in the pamphlet, “Your DCM”. It is recommended that the Alternate DCM: • Attend all District meetings and Area Committee meetings. • Chair District meetings, and attend area assemblies when the DCM cannot attend, should attend at least one area assembly with the DCM. • Has frequent contact and open communication with District officers, committee chairs and GSRs. • Aids the DCM in visiting groups. • Be familiar with A.A. literature, Twelve Steps, Traditions and Concepts.

Secretary Description:

The Secretary serves as a District officer, keeps record of District meeting minutes through written documentation, finalizes minutes in a typed report, makes copies and distributes to members of the District committee, keeps close record of agenda items and keeps District committee information updated. Qualifications • Has usually served as a GSR or previous service as a District Standing Committee Chair. • Usually a minimum of two years’ sound, continuous sobriety. • Working knowledge of the Twelve Traditions of AA. • The time and energy to serve the District well. • The willingness and ability to serve a two-year term. • Good organizational, communication and basic computer skills. • Access to a computer and email. • Holds no other District Committee service position. • Duties and Responsibilities: • Attend all District meetings. • Be familiar with A.A. literature, Twelve Steps, Traditions and Concepts. • Communicate with and aid the DCM in setting the agenda for each District meeting. • Using notes and recorder, type the minutes of the meeting, in summary form. • Issue the minutes to the DCM for approval two weeks prior to the next scheduled district meeting. Upon approval by the DCM distribute the minutes by email or the postal system at least one week prior to the scheduled monthly District meeting. • Assist the DCM/Alt DCM in following approved voting procedures and protocol. • Assist the DCM/Alt DCM in obtaining and keeping record of members of the District Committee for district contact list, revise as necessary. • Assist the DCM/Alt DCM in distributing other A.A. information as necessary.

Treasurer Description:

The Treasurer serves as a District officer, keeps record of District monies and bank account, makes deposits and writes checks as approved, checks Post Office box regularly, prepares a monthly typed report, makes copies and distributes to members of the District committee, upholds the 7th Tradition, and aids the District committee in making wise, prudent decisions regarding the expenses. Qualifications • Has usually served as a GSR or previous service as a District Standing Committee Chair. • Usually a minimum of two years’ sound, continuous sobriety. • Working knowledge of the Twelve Traditions of AA. • The time and energy to serve the District well. • The willingness and ability to serve a two-year term. • Good organizational, communication and basic computer skills. • Access to a computer and email. • Holds no other District Committee service position. Duties and Responsibilities • Attend all District meetings. • Keep accurate account of all income and expenses. • Assist the DCM/Alt to inform and encourage groups about self-support through contributions. • Pay District bills as approved by the District committee • Uphold and assist the District Committee in adhering to the approved budget. • Checks the Post Office Box regularly. • Makes deposits and pays bills in a timely manner. • Distribute the financial report to the committee members by email in advance of the meeting. • Have copies of and give a financial report at each District meeting.

Alternate Treasurer Description:

Alternate Treasurer assists the Treasurer, keeps record of District monies and bank account, makes deposits and writes checks as approved, checks Post Office box regularly, prepares a monthly typed report, makes copies and distributes to members of the District committee, upholds the 7th Tradition, and aids the District committee in making wise, prudent decisions regarding the expenses. Qualifications • Has usually served as a GSR or previous service as a District Standing Committee Chair. • Usually a minimum of two years’ sound, continuous sobriety. • Working knowledge of the Twelve Traditions of AA. • The time and energy to serve the District well. • The willingness and ability to serve a two-year term. • Good organizational, communication and basic computer skills. • Access to a computer and email. • Holds no other District Committee service position. Duties and Responsibilities • Attend all District meetings. • Keep accurate account of all income and expenses. • Assist the DCM/Alt to inform and encourage groups about self-support through contributions. • Pay District bills as approved by the District committee • Uphold and assist the District Committee in adhering to the approved budget. • Checks the Post Office Box regularly. • Makes deposits and pays bills in a timely manner. • Distribute the financial report to the committee members by email in advance of the meeting. • Have copies of and give a financial report at each District meeting.

Standing Committees Current District 23 Standing Committees:

Answering Service has access and maintains to the districts Google voice phone number as well as volunteer list to help Alcoholics receive proper assistance and information in regards to meetings or 12 step work. Accessibility Outreach for members with special needs. CPC / PI (Cooperation with the Professional Community) These are normally two committees. They’ve been merged into one in District 23 and is listed on the agenda as PICPIC and has 2 voting members since they are Co-Chairs. Provides information about A.A. to those encountering alcoholics in their profession (CPC). Also Provides information about A.A. to the general public (PI). Corrections Provides coordination and support; for members and groups interested in 12th step work in correctional facilities and for those transitioning back into the community. Grapevine advocates awareness of Grapevine material and conference approved literature within the district’s groups. Literature obtains and distributes conference approved literature and welcome packages to the GSR’s and groups in the District. Treatment/BTG (Bridge the Gap) Provides coordination and support; for members and groups interested in 12th step work in treatment facilities and for those transitioning back into the community. Web Responsible for maintenance of https://dist23-aa-nia.org/ and district email addresses.



Standing Committees represent a vital activity of District 23. As outlined in our Ninth Tradition, these committees function in the spirit of service to bring sobriety within reach of all who want it.

1. Chairperson is elected or appointed by DCM with District confirmation/election process.

2. Core membership will consist of chair and members wishing to serve. Any sober member of A.A. is welcome to participate.

3. Committees may be combined as need dictates.

4. Committees will organize, set goals and carryout duties internally.

5. Committees are directly responsible and accountable for the service work they have been entrusted with. Any actions or major decisions affecting District 23 or A.A. as a whole will require district approval.

6. Committees shall consistently strive for (as best they can or as deemed necessary):

a. Ways of effectively carrying the A.A. message

b. Follow-up on service work in place

c. Encourage the participation of local individual A.A. members and groups

d. Join forces with other districts and Intergroup representatives to facilitate efforts

e. Communicate and cooperate with NIA area 20 and GSO resources

Suggested Qualification The following are not requirements. They do, however, convey the care with which these positions should be filled, if practicable. • Two years’ continuous sobriety. (suggested not required) • Time, energy and willingness to serve the district well. • Background in A.A. service including; knowledge of the A.A. Traditions and Concepts and their application to service in Alcoholics Anonymous. • Ability to organize and work well with others. Duties and Responsibilities of the Standing Committee Chairperson:

1. Will attend District 23 meetings and give report of committee activities.

2. Will provide a report to District.

3. Serves a two-year term.

4. Adheres to District 23 guidelines and is familiar with the A.A. service manual.

5. Will utilize NIA area 20 and/or GS0 guidelines and workbooks for specific committee.

6. Inevitably there will be overlap, the chair should be aware of other committees’ responsibilities and communicate when service work overlaps.

7. Will submit reasonable documentation of expenses to the Treasurer for reimbursement.

8. Will maintain financial accountability to District 23.

9. Will maintain committee materials and bring displays on request.

10. Will endeavor to hold at least one workshop during each rotation; to help inform District 23 groups and encourage participation in committee activities.

11. Will present recommendations to District 23 for guideline revisions. (as needed)

12. Participation in NIA area 20 Standing Committees: In an effort to provide the foundation needed to better serve District 23.


Budget and Financial Management:

Financial Support: Individual groups are responsible for funding District 23 and all its activities. District 23 welcomes these voluntary contributions in any amount a group deems appropriate for the support of carrying the A.A. message at the District level. Individual group donations are recognized in the District’s monthly financial report; which is prepared by the District Treasurer and presented at the monthly District meeting.

1. Our fiscal year starts on September 1st and ends August 31st.

2. A Prudent Reserve of $500 which shall cover districts expenses for a period of 3 months in case of emergency. Prudent reserve was set based on the current expenses and shall be revised as needed by the body of District 23.

3. Any elected or appointed District member receiving money from District will submit a detailed accounting at the monthly Committee meeting and will include any receipts for expenditures to the District Treasurer for reimbursement.

4. As the District grows and service work patterns emerge, specific Officer or Committee budgets may be considered.

5. All expenditures of District 23 funds shall be limited to those as budgeted or listed below.

a. If a member of the District committee requires funding for an expense, the item should be brought before the District committee.

b. The Treasurer shall advise if sufficient unrestricted funds are available.

c. The Treasurer shall make the District committee aware of any financial consequences should they approve the expense.

d. Approval will add the new line item to the monthly report.